
Locate Messenger on Lenovo

Follow this step-by-step guide to handle it the right way. Find out what apps have permission to draw over the screen. On a non-Samsung smartphone, follow these steps:. You will find yourself in front of a list of apps that have permission to use floating buttons or other screen overlays.

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Now you need to identify the problem app and temporarily deny it permission to draw over the screen. For Samsung users: We have also received a report that suggests the one-handed keyboard setting could be the root cause. In order for the app s that you have disabled in step two to work again, you need to re-enable its overlay permissions. If the above steps don't work, there's an additional step you can take to try and fix the issue.

This requires you to use the "safe mode" Android feature to manage the app permissions. It's a rather inelegant workaround, but it's the best we have until Google makes the necessary changes to prevent app overlays from interfering with permission dialogues. Newer versions of Android don't appear to suffer significantly from this problem, and it seems to be mainly reported by users of Android Marshmallow. There are a couple of apps that exist to address this issue. Because it involves downloading additional software and displaying ads, we still recommend to first try the manual solution detailed above.

Still, if it does not work, it could be worth giving these apps a try.

Hardware Access Error when using Facebook Messenger

Once the Install Button Unlocker is activated, re-try the activities that were previously affected by the overlay error. If it's working correctly, the error should no longer occur. When you activate it, Alert Window Checker displays a menu of the apps and whether they are using the overlay permission.

If they are, you can select that app and then either force close it or uninstall it, depending on whether you want to use the app regularly.

Install apps - Lenovo Android - Android - Device Guides

Has this guide helped? If you are still experiencing the error after following our guide, leave a comment, so we can try to help! It solved the problem for me. I have been trying to figure this out for days thank you so much the button unlocker work perfect. I tried every solution I could find on the internet. Nothing worked except a factory reset. Then I discovered that the problem was being caused by having "Select to Speak" active.

I often turn it on because of my poor vision.

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PS: This app does not appear in the "Apps that can appear on top" list, even when system apps are being displayed. Hi, i tried the given solutions for samsung Galaxy s6 edge, but nothing worked. I don't have any unusual app.

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I only use it to call and text , but suddenly the message can't be opened as screen overlay is detected. Any other solution? I tried to correct the problem and used corrector fluid, which is also used for documents. Then I was very tired to wipe the screen, because it erases quite hard Thank you sooo much for the help. I was ready to get a new phone bc the overlay would not let me do anything! Your directions saved me a lot of money and frustration. After a Factory data reset, it works well for several days, but the problem came back again. But 'Turning off permission to draw over other apps' in all apps worked for me in my Lenovo Phab 2 Pro.

Nothing had worked, and I have been beating my head against this problem for months. Disabling all apps didn't work, but the Install Button Unlocker did the trick, when nothing did. Rarely got the message, and then managed to find the way to the permissions issue. A headscratcher last year was sudden refusal to install APKs, the install screen would show but the button wouldn't function. Turned out the culprit was a blue light reduction app, that apparently overlays some internal controls whenever it's on.

Disable it in the notification area, and the device returns to normal.


Not sure how many other functions are affected by these things. Screen overlay problem, I put my problem down to a change button app even uninstalled had same problem as it changed operating system files, did a factory reset all good, don't forget to back up or copy emportant stuff.

Hope this helps someone with the same problem so they don't spend weeks trying to fix like I did. Regards Rob. I've tried so many step-by-step instructions, and didn't want to mess with safe mode, so I tried your suggested app. Thank you so much! The easiest and recommended way to disable Lenovo Messenger is to prevent it from running automatically. To accomplish this,. Brilliant - thank you! So there are apps hidden inside programs. This may be why I can't find other unwanted apps to uninstall them Clever developers' trick! View All.

Removing Yahoo Messenger from Mac Computers

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