
Track a mobile phone Motorola Moto G6

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Motorola Moto G6 Play: tips and tricks to get the most out of your smartphone

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The Finder app is here! Learn more. Motorola states its budget case for with the Motorola Moto G6.

Customer Reviews

It's not a wow-bang type handset, but it is a quiet, solid and reliable performer. Ordinary performance Thin fingerprint sensor can be hard to hit No water resistance. Display Size. Pixels per inch PPI. Rear camera megapixels. Rear camera aperture size. Front camera megapixels. Front camera aperture size. Physical Dimensions. Network category speed. Power, storage and battery.

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External storage support. Device features. Headphone jack. Fingerprint sensor.

Motorola Moto G6 Plus – Use your device as a pedometer to track movements | Phone Tips and Tricks

Water resistance rating. Alex Kidman twitter facebook. Where to buy. What's in this review? Adds display All glass design looks great but smudges easily Small fingerprint sensor. Read our full review of the Motorola Moto G6's design. We appreciate your time for leaving a positive review and for being a Straight Talk Wireless customer.

Should you need assistance, please let us know. This is Arianne from Straight Talk Wireless.

We're glad to hear that you're satisfied with you phone. Thank you for your purchase. You can also use our self-service menu by simply texting the word HELP to Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews.

Mower, April 6, Hi Phone, thanks for having one of our phones. Can you provide samples of screenshots of those small short and thin wavy lines that you saw while doing video chat? We're here to help. You may send us an email to supportforums motorola. Average rating: 3 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews. AJ, March 3, See all 91 reviews. Ask a question. Number of answers Most recent questions Most recent answers Sort by.

Is this phone still unlocked like most of the other versions available on the internet , or has Straight Talk locked it? Answer this question. An unlocked version of this phone exists, but this version is locked to Straight Talk.

Straight Talk Motorola Moto g6 Prepaid Smartphone

The unlocked version costs a little more. Our branded phones are not carrier unlocked.

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However, we can facilitate the Unlocking Process considering that the phone meets the set requirements. You may visit our website for the Unlocking Policy. Thank you. Our branded phones are carrier locked. This phone is locked to Straight Talk. Is this a phone that you can get ring back tones? No, this phone does not have ringback tones. Hi Darren, I appreciate your interest. To get this feature, it would be best to contact your preferred carrier to confirm.

Yes, you can purchase ring-back tones for this smartphone.

New Moto G6/G6 Play -How to Open Moto G6/G6 Play Back Panel -- Moto G6 Disassembly

Does the phone do wifi calling?