
Phone Facebook locate LG

Tap the menu icon. Tap Messages.

How to Access the Facebook Hidden Settings Menu on Android

Tap the required contact. Tap Write a message. Write the required message and tap Send. Tap your name. Tap Photo. To take a new picture: Tap the camera icon.

Account Options

Point the camera lens at the required object and tap the camera icon. Tap the return icon. Tap the required picture. The problem with clip tray is that on some phones you can only save one item to the clip tray which is overwritten if a second item is saved to clip tray.

Mobile Phones

When you copy or cut anything, it goes to a special set aside area of RAM known as the clip tray. When you long-press on the screen and paste something, whatever is copied onto the clip tray gets pasted.

Track location via Facebook Messenger

In this way, it will overwrite what was copied to it before to an empty space. Clipper — Clipboard Manager. If you want a more manageable clip tray, you can download the App Clipper — Clipboard Manager from the Google Playstore. It automatically saves everything you copy. You can later access your clip tray history and arrange your clippings the way you want to.

Install Facebook on your LG K8 4G Android - K8 4G (Android ) - Singtel

Moreover, Clipper lets you copy, paste, view, edit and share the content copied to it. So, through the Clipper App you can easily share whatever you want to onto Facebook.

To copy your clip tray data to Facebook or any other social media App, simply open the App and long-press on blank text space, where you want to paste from clip tray. Tap "OK.

Where Do I Find the Clip Tray in an LG Android Phone?

Press the "Home" button. Go to the apps menu on your Android. Different phones have a different way of accessing it from the Home screen. Tap "Apps" or the "Arrow" on the screen. Tap "Gallery. A professional writer, Michael Butler has been writing Web content since

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