
Messenger tracking on Honor 10

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Which smartphones will get EMUI 10

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The latter is helpful if you are light sleeper like me, and the slightest ting of the phone wakes you up.

How to Hide Apps In Huawei Honor Phones Without Using Any App

Enter the Start Time and the End Time, and that's it. The good thing about this feature is that you can skip the 'Raise wrist' feature if you want. Misplaced the phone? Why not let the fitness tracker find your phone. When enabled, the paired phone rings with an adorable "I am here" ringtone.

EMUI 10 review – What’s new in Huawei’s version of Android 10

Tap on it, and your phone will ring almost instantly. The only thing you need to consider is that the phone needs to be in the proximity of the band. Is a gentle buzz on your wrist your idea of a good alarm? If yes, you'll fall in love with the Smart Alarm of the Honor Band 5. This band detects your sleep pattern and wakes you up when your sleep is the lightest within the stipulated time interval. For instance, you have set the Smart alarm for 7 AM, with a Smart wakeup time of 10 minutes, the watch will wake you when your sleep is the lightest between AM and 7 AM.

And well, you can set it to repeat during weekdays or during specific weekdays.

Top 10 Honor View 20 Tips and Tricks

The settings for Smart Alarms are under the Band settings. As suggestive of its name, it helps track and improve your sleeping habits. And on top of that, it dims the band's screen to help you sleep better. And as you'd have guessed, it's not enabled by default. Thankfully, you can enable it easily via the Band setting at the top.

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All you have to do is toggle the switch for Huawei Tru Sleep. While I am sure, functions like Daily Tracking and Workout are essential to fitness trackers, you can do without dedicated functions for AliPay or Message Center, especially if you plan to use the band strictly as a fitness tracker. To customize the functions, head over to the Honor Band settings, and select Function Customization.

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  7. Now, tap on the little cross icon next to the ones you want to remove. At the same time, you can also hold and drag the important functions to the top.

    1) Ride Mode

    Once done, tap on the Save icon at the top-right corner. Aside from the above, the Honor Band 5 also lets you link to fitness apps like Google Fit. And well, when it comes to the workout modes, the options are plentiful. Furthermore, with the Honor Band 5, it's effortless to rest or switch off the band. Just go to the System screen and you'll find the options there. What I usually do is place the More screen at the end, so that when I need it, I can simply swipe down from the home screen. Next up: Looking for more running accessories?