
How to track Messenger from

When the user clicks the ad, that user will route into Facebook Messenger and a new conversation window will be opened. In this case, since the ad was from Mssg, the clicker routed into Messenger and the conversation had Mssg entered as the Page that the clicker is messaging with.

The Ad also sends the user a Welcome Message. Clicking the Ad simply routes the user to Messenger. Once the conversation starts the user is asked to reply with their email address. Receiving a valid email address is considered a successful conversion. Listing the steps of the flow looks something like:. Facebook has of Ad Objectives, but only 3 of them will route the clicker into Messenger.

Traffic Ads : Facebook is optimizing for users to click the Ad. Messenger Ads: Facebook is optimizing for users that start conversations with the Page after clicking the ad. Conversion Ads: Facebook is optimizing for users to convert. Most of the time, converting means reaching a specific page on the website.

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The conversion event relies on a Facebook Pixel tracker that sits on the page where the user routes after the conversion happens. Mssg has built the Facebook Pixel into the conversation and this pixel triggers when the user replies with a valid email address. So this test is optimizing for user to respond with a valid email. The test consisted of 3 campaigns with Traffic, Messages and Conversions as the respective objectives. The overall goal was collecting email address, but if possible each step along the way was tracked. Traffic Ad Results: The Traffic Objective had the largest reach and drove the most impressions by a wide margin.

How You Can Track Someone’s Location Using Facebook Messenger

Traffic reached 4x more people and 8x more impressions than the Conversion Objective ad. Compared to the Messages Objective, the Traffic ad reached 3x more people and 4x more impressions. After the user clicks the Ad, the next step in the flow is starting the conversation. Messenger Ads: The biggest surprise for the test overall was missing data.

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The test generated a strong, but within normal range, conversion rate for email address of So Conversion Objective: The trend of Ad Manager missing data continues. With this conversion ad test, there was a clear disconnect on the Facebook platform.

Once again, another part of Facebook was tracking the conversions and Ad Manager was the only interface not showing conversion. Facebook tracks the Custom Conversions on separate page.

Facebook confirms it spies on your Messenger conversations

During the test, these Custom Conversions were registering on that page. In Ad Manager, there were no Custom Conversions showing. The biggest takeaway is that the Ad Manager reporting for these new types of ads is not working well.

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